Один із секретів сеансів в Масажному Храмі полягає в тому, щоб доглядати та піклуватися про тіло кожного нашого клієгта, як своє власне.
Розслаблення, спокій, зцілення
Наша роль у процесі масажу полягає в тому, щоб бути помічником у вашому шляху зцілення, вашим провідником на шляху до відновлення гармонії вашого тіла, вашої душі, вашого розуму та вашого духу.
Ми відкриємо ваш серцевий центр, щоб розблокувати ваше глибше самопізнання та ваш потенціал впливати на ваші власні процеси зцілення. Ми допоможемо вам розвинути вашу особисту силу - на фізичному, енергетичному, емоційному та розумовому рівнях.
Гавайський масаж Lomi Lomi Nui
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Гавайський масаж Lomi Lomi Nui - стародавній сакральний масаж всього тіла, який практикували гавайські майстри та цілителі.
Спочатку виконавцями масажу Lomi Lomi Nui були полінезійські жерці - «Kahuna», які використовували масаж для ритуалів, ініціацій, зцілення, супроводу і підтримки на шляху трансформації в життєвому шляху людини.
Центральною ідеєю Huna є концепція Любові та Гармонії, духом Aloha – гостинність. У глибокому сенсі це прийняття Життя і Людини зокрема такими, якими вони є, не засуджуючи, не оцінюючи, не втручаючись і не намагаючись щось силоміць змінити. Це толерантність, прощення, прийняття, співчуття, повага.
Lomi Lomi Nui впливає на організм людини різними способами. Унікальність цього виду масажу полягає в м'якій і глибокій опрацюванні м'язів, фасціальних ланцюжків, зв'язок і суглобів, лімфодренажі, відновленні цілісності психоемоційних і фізіологічних процесів організму.
Pulsing holistic massage
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This is a healing technique that allows you to purposefully, through the body, influence the state of the soul and mind of a person.
The main principle of pulsing is that a person is essentially a single whole: body, soul, spirit, mind, feelings and emotions, and we need to work with you holistically.
And pulsing affects the entire body on three levels:
1️⃣ Body - physical
2️⃣ Emotional
3️⃣ Psycological
Main benefits for you:
• improves sleep, mood and balances the nervous system
• improves the immune system
• restore flexibility, elasticity and mobility to joints and tissues
• this technique is useful for both children, adults and the elderly too
• preparation for childbirth for pregnant women
Face Chinese Massage
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Chinese modeling facial massage refers to ancient oriental techniques.
Massage works wonders - without injections, operations and chemical influences, thanks to special techniques and the body's own resources, the skin restores itself, a quick visible effect of rejuvenation occurs.
Metabolic processes are stimulated, improved absorption of nutrients and oxygen by skin cells occurs, wrinkles are smoothed, elasticity and radiance of the skin are restored, muscle tone and complexion are improved, emotional stress is relieved, aging processes in the body are slowed down, the circulation of Chi energy and the balance of interaction between Yin and Jan.
At a session of Chinese facial massage, you will get a deep relaxation of the whole body, sometimes to the feeling of flying in weightlessness, a feeling of calm and tranquility. And this is not just a feeling, it is your essence itself, which becomes available for your perception upon successful "sweeping up old emotional blockages".
Thai Head Massage
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Feel the result of this massage from the first session:
• Headache treatment
• Activation of the main biological points
• Relieve muscle spams of head, neck and face
• Positive effect on the nervous system
• Sleep normalises
Thai Foot Massage
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Ancient technique for getting things done the whole human body. This is a type of reflexology that is very popular among Western and Eastern countries.
The main benefits of this type of therapy for you:
• strengthens the immune system
• foot massage is a reliable method of disease prevention
• his type of massage brings peace and harmonization
• stimulates the body through the feet and allows it heal yourself
• natural healing method
TAOIST massage
(visceral massage or massage of internal organs)
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This is a unique Taoist system of transformation and saturation of the Chi energy of the organs, and at the same time a practice that allows us to do a direct massage of the internal organs for a patient.
This massage technique was born more than 2 thousand years ago in China, as an integral part of Chinese traditional medicine.
The massage consists of many movements and techniques that relax the abdominal muscles and allow the master to penetrate almost painlessly to various organs, such as the liver, kidneys, lungs and other internal organs, and even to the muscles that are located on the inner surface of the pelvis.
The massage master works with the energy flows of the five main body systems: tendon-muscle, vascular, nervous, main and meridian.
This is a deep and at the same time soft massage of the abdomen and internal organs, where negative information and negative emotions are usually collected, from the excess of which energy channels are blocked. During the massage, all channels are cleared, and the circulation of energy in them is normalized.
Body Modeling Massage
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Body Modeling massage
Do you want to be healthy and beautiful?
We have a special solution for you - a lipo-modelling massage.
Lipo-modeling massage is a revolutionary technique in body shaping. A special technique that works not only with the "orange peel", but also to reduce volume and weight, as well as raising skin tone.
Features of Body Modeling massage:
This program allows you to work with each form of cellulite: liposclerotic (fibrous), edematous (edematous) and flabby (atonic), as well as change the massage scheme as the tissues adapt to the load;
A technique that works not only with the "orange peel", but also to reduce volume and reduce weight;
The technique is built using static (isometric) and dynamic (isotonic) load on the client's muscles directly during the procedure;
100% focus of energy from the impact of the hands exclusively on the subcutaneous adipose tissue;
No bruising on your body after the lipo-modeling massage.
Results for you:
Getting rid of visible cellulite;
Volume reduction, weight loss;
Improvement of skin tone and elasticity;
Strengthening the muscles;
Expected and desired figure correction;
You will definitely feel inspired looking at your body in the mirror and hear a lot of compliments in your direction.